So I want to tell you about this cool contraption called basically turns frozen fruit into an awesome ice cream like treat. My family ordered ours from the shopping channel, and it arrived very quickly...I think within a week.

You need some frozen fruit that's been in the freezer for at least 24 hours and that's basically it.
We let our fruit thaw for about 3 minutes (we used bananas, blueberries, and mango chunks). Then we put 1 banana down the chute, a handful of blueberries, some mango, and another half banana. We plugged it in and turned it on and voila and frozen masterpiece (kind of)! We made a round with dark chocolate and bananas as well and it turned out great.
The only cons- it is SUPER loud (I guess not really a big con), and some of the fruit does get stuck inside the grinder it is not too bad but you do lose some fruit.
All in all it is pretty amazing; easy, fast, and the treats were delicious.